What is a Beerfloat Blog?

What the f#@k is the Beer Float Blog? – by Corliss Buenavida

Sing with me, "Picture yourself in a boat on a river, with a Tangerine Stout and no marmalade whatsoever."

Or perhaps picture yourself on a tricked up inflatable tube with your favourite light lager. Either way, that is the gist of what this blog is all about.

What is the Beer Float Blog? Plain and simple, it‘s about floating around with a beer in your hand and has nothing to do with ice cream in a beverage (unless that beverage is a beer)!

Sorry, Mr. John Lennon, for appropriating a tiny bit of your family’s history to get this started. ‘Picture yourself in a boat on a river’ comes from the Beatles' song ‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds’ the idea and title of which came from a drawing by John's son, Julian and may well be a perfect musical accompaniment for a beer float. At the same time it may direct people into a different direction than is my intention. The fact that this Beatles’ song has been referenced as a key work in the psychedelic music genre and often rumoured to have been associated with LSD is not what I am promoting (although if you’ve ever tried it..., well that’s another story).

I don’t want to encourage hallucination through intoxication especially while in a flotation device on water!

At the same time what a great line to launch this ship!

Note: If you are unfamiliar with the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album then I suggest you may want to become acquainted with one of the most influential records of all time. I expect Beer Floats will have a similar influence on the 21st Century.

So, specifically, what is the Beer Float Blog?

Perhaps, even more specifically, I need to answer what is a beer float?

Picture yourself, (“here we go again”), in the 1980’s, in a black rubber inflated car tire inner tube just off shore on a little lake in Ontario’s ‘cottage country’ with a Labatt 50 ale ‘stubby’ bottle in your hand. The sun is shining on this hot August day so you are lathered up with sunscreen and have a hat and sunglasses on. There is no breeze nor no waves. You are just lolling around propelled by your dangling feet and free hand. From the dockside cabin comes some music friendly to your ear which blends in with the surrounding sounds of nature. You are at peace with this world and with yourself.

That was my first beer float.

Now, picture yourself nearly 40 years later, in a back supported air filled floating chair on the surface of your winter vacation home’s large swimming pool with your ‘go to’ ice cold beverage (in an insulating koozie sleeve, of course) resting beside you in a recessed drink holder. The sun is shining on this hot January day so you are in the shade under the overhanging canopy of the tropical garden. There is no breeze and the pool pump is turned off. You are just lolling around propelled by your dangling feet and both free hands.

From the covered terrace comes some music friendly to your ear which blends in with the surrounding sounds of nature. You are at peace with this world and with yourself.

That was a recent beer float.

Now, back to what is the Beer Float Blog?

Well this is your introduction to it and you can take from it what you will.

You can actually pursue the same physical experience which I have described – Transcendental Flotation. It can be in any floating device on any water surface guided by the laws and regulations in your chosen location and keeping in mind moderation and safety.

Or you can pursue your own happy place using the beer float as a metaphor to achieve your goal.

I will continue to write about what is important to me – experiencing an actual beer float!

I will act as your guide through a series of topics instructing upon the nuances of the practice. Let me be your Beer Float Guru as if I have had a divine calling to inform you with this pleasure principle. Together, we will travel the globe, through a one-sided discussion of worldly experiences and detailed techniques allowing us to get to our euphoric buoyant paradise.

Ok, maybe that is a little over the top!

Perhaps I’ll just talk about real subjects like locations for a float, what type of device and where to get it, maintenance once you get that first leak, open water safety, sun protection, paddling and push off techniques, drink holders and accessories.

There may be the odd foray into beer choices or other interpretations of the term beer float which could include a dessert dish of ice cream floating in beer. I will do it all in a light hearted manner attempting to keep negativism out of our world and hopefully providing a few smiles. Also being a music lover I will talk about creating your soundtracks which may or may not include the Beatles’ Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

At the same time I might try to push you toward that Zen space that got me here in the first place!

Happy floating!


beer float.calm = beerfloat.net not beerfloat.com


Corliss likes to float with inflatables and have a beer while doing so. Now everybody gets to share in his life adventure!


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